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computer communication network中文是什么意思

用"computer communication network"造句"computer communication network"怎么读"computer communication network" in a sentence


  • 电脑通讯网
  • 计算机通信网络
  • 计算机通讯网


  • The research on computer communication networks real - time communication
  • The optimal flow assignment of computer communication networks based on chaos immune evolutionary programming
  • Concerning about the reliability problems of computer communication networks , we mainly discuss the calculation of the network reliability
  • Network - based collaborative design ( ncd ) is a new design pattern . during this process a design team devises a product concurrently and cooperatively , aiming at team work , and aided by a distributive collaborative environment provided by computer communication network
  • Furthermore , with regard to the flow regulation of multicast flows in high - speed computer communication networks , the present paper proposes a class of sender - driven single rate congestion controllers based on a many - to - many multicast model
    接着,本文针对计算机高速互联网中组播的速率调节问题,在多点对多点的组播流量模型基础上,提出了一类新的由发送方驱动的单速率组播拥塞控制器pid ( proportionalintegrativeplusderivative )的设计方案。
  • In the contemporary computer communication networks , with continuous expandability of the networks data business , it is neccesary and objective for the clients to provide to guarantee both quality and quantity service because the traditional service which is charactered by " best of efforts " hatofenot been able to satisfied the more and more business service demands
  • With regard to the flow regulation of the best - effort traffic , the controllable traffic in high speed computer communication networks , the present paper proposes a novel control theoretic approach that designs a proportional - integrative ( pi ) controller based on multi - rate sampling for congestion controlling . based on the traffic model of a single node and on system stability criterion , it is shown that this pi controller can regulate the source rate on the basis of the knowledge of buffer occupancy of the destination node in such a manner that the congestion - controlled network is asymptotically stable without oscillation in terms of the buffer occupancy of the destionation node ; and the steady value of queue length is consistent with the specified threshold value
    本文从控制理论的角度出发,针对计算机高速互联网中最大服务交通流即能控交通流的调节问题提出了一种基于多速率采样的具有比例积分( pi )控制器结构的拥塞控制理论和方法,在单个节点的交通流的模型基础上,运用控制理论中的系统稳定性分析方法,讨论如何利用信终端节点缓冲占有量的比例加积分的反馈形式来调节信源节点的能控交通流的输入速率,从而使被控网络节点的缓冲占有量趋于稳定;同时使被控网络节点的稳定队列长度逼近指定的门限值。
用"computer communication network"造句  


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